Hi everybody. After more than year next version of Daimonin Installer is out. :) There are updated CLI, GTK and new not tested KDE version. I’ve fixed some bugs and add some improvements – for more informations look in changelog. ;-)
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Hello. Version 0.4 of Daimonin Installer is finished. Really big feature is GTK+ GUI created using Zenity. At this moment there is no version for KDE users, but stay tuned. ;) For more features look below in changelog :)

Also script is now under GNU GPL2 license. :)
- Split into dai-installer-cli.sh (command line version) and dai-installer-gtk.sh (GTK+ GUI with Zenity).
- Uninstaller script (installed into game directory) for single-user mode.
- Added install dir – now user can specify where install game in single-user mode.
- Script saves distribution choice.
Project webpage: http://daimonin.elwin013.com
Next version of script is ready to download. Biggest feature is update function – with it you can simply delete old version and install new. Also I fixed bug which appear when (K)Ubu user wants install game in multi user mode and changed help message.
In examples:
- to update installed game in single user mode put:
sh dai-installer.sh update single
- to update installed game in multi user mode on (K)Ubuntu put:
sh dai-installer.sh update multi ubuntu
Changelog v0.3
- Added update function – it reinstalls game (delete old version, download new tarball, unpack, compile, install).
- Fixed bug with installing game in multi user mode on Ubuntu.
- Changed help message – for clarity
It should work. I don’t take responsibility for any bugs. :)
Enjoy! :)
Project site: http://daimonin.elwin013.com/
Daimonin Installer v0.2 is out. This version additionally installs dependencies needed to compile and run Daimonin in popular distributions (at this moment supported are Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Fedora and openSuse). To do it automatically only write at end of command name of your distribution (in lower case, it’s case sensible).
In examples:
- for install game in single-user mode and install dependencies in Debian just type
sh dai-installer.sh install single debian
- for install game in multi-user mode and install dependencies in Fedora just type
sh dai-installer.sh install multi fedora
Changelog v0.2
- Added dependencies installation – just put your distribution name as third input value. At this version supported Fedora (put fedora), Arch Linux (arch), Ubuntu (ubuntu), Debian (debian) and openSuse (opensuse).
- Fixed problem with removing multi-user installation on Ubuntu – now for remove it just put
sh dai-installer.sh remove multi ubuntu
It should work. I don’t take responsibility for any bugs. :)
Enjoy! :)
Project site: http://daimonin.elwin013.com/
I’ve done some useful (or not) script for Linux user who wants to install Daimonin. It’s dedicated for non-advanced users.
With that script user can install (download source, unpack, compile, install) game with one command. There are two ways to install it – single-user and multi-user mode. Single-user mode puts game in user home directory (~/, e.g. /home/user/daimonin-0.10.0), multi-user puts files into /usr (binary to /usr/bin, files to /usr/share/daimonin-0.10.0). Also script create shortcuts – at desktop for single-user, in applications menu for multi-user.
Short how-to-use:
- to install in single-mode write:
sh dai-installer.sh install single
, to remove it write sh dai-installer.sh remove single
- to install in multi-mode write:
sh dai-installer.sh install multi
, to remove it write sh dai-installer.sh remove multi
- for help write
sh dai-installer.sh help
It’s 0.1 version now, like beta or alfa. It should work. I don’t take responsibility for any bugs. :)
Enjoy! :)
Project page: http://daimonin.elwin013.com/